Saturday, June 03, 2006


Anne did this over at her place. She didn't tag anyone, but it looked like fun so I copied it.

5 things in my fridge:

1. Pepsi
2. Milk
3. Expired yogurt and cottage cheese
4. Leftovers from dinner three nights ago.
5. Empty bowl that used to contain jello.

5 things in my car:

1. cds
2. at least one melted crayon
3. multiple fruit loops and cheerios (under seat of course)
4. one blankie
5. stroller

5 things in my closet:

1. many shoes
2. pile of clothes that need to be sorted
3. empty suitcases
4. outgrown baby dresses
5. shelves that need to be painted for girl's bathroom

5 things in my purse

1. Lip gloss
2. Victoria's Secret mints
3. Victoria's Secret Body by Victoria perfume, purse size.
4. Small notepad for quick notes.
5. Gate pass from Knoxville airport.

No tags, if you want to do it, leave me a comment so I can come see.


Angela said...

Cool, I'm gonna have to do this one sometime :-)

Kelli said...

I love that perfume! It is my favorite! Good taste their Kat! (Im a weekend reader too)

Sar said...

Fun list, Kat. D'oh! I forgot about the D tag - I'm on it!