Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Just to let you know, I am blogging on DIAL-UP from my grandmother's house in Alabama. So if you don't see me around much, you know why.


Angela said...

Sweet Home Alabama :-). I have to use dial-up when I'm at Mom's in Huntsville. Well she actually lives in Gurley. They are still in the stone age back there. She can't even get Cable. Imagine that. :-) Hope ya'll have a nice visit.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip! We'll miss you!

Angela said...

Kat. OMG !!! I went to Madison County High in Gurley. :-). What year did you graduate?. I'm class of 88'

Day by Day said...

hope you are have a great time in AL... :)

GERBEN said...

Ah, dial up! Ain't it great? NOT! LOL, hope you have a great time in AL.

Kat said...

Kaliblue: Class of '90.

Rae Ann said...

Have a nice visit in AL! Dial-up seems so slow. lol

Xmichra said...

dial up is EVIL. enjoy your trip though!

ghartstein said...

Dial up? O k I w i l l t y p e s l o w l y. . .

Miz BoheMia said...

Oh no! Dial up is gruesome! Gruesome I tell you!

I loooveee the pics below! Especially the one your daughter took of herself! Very artistic actually!

truckdriver_sefl said...

are we having fun yet??