Thursday, June 01, 2006

New Routines

We took hubs to the airport this evening. He is headed back overseas until his next break in October. The last two weeks have just flown by. It's time for things to settle down into the lazy summer routine. There are a few things I need to do, such as re-join our zoo memebership. I let ours expire in the fall. Shame on me. We are going to Alabama fo a visit in a couple of weeks, good thing I have a laptop now! I am also planning an end-of-summer roadtrip for the girls, me, and my youngest sister, the Brat. More about that later.

Here's an interesting note, remember a couple of weeks ago my thumb rings turned up but not my Bastet ring? She turned up in one of my many trinket boxes. It was in the bathroom, right in front of my face the whole time. I was so excited! I don't wear it much anymore, but I've had it for years. I bought it at a museum store we used to have in the mall here, everything was museum replicas, or museum inspired. I guess
Tanya was right, jewelry will be found when it's ready to be found.


Xmichra said...

yay! you found your ring!!

Are you gonna be okay with hubs leaving again??

Miz BoheMia said...

I ditto Xmichra up above... I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through!

Much love and kisses coming your way you brave woman!

PS- Your girls are just beautiful!

Tamarai said...

Bast protects women (and cats - and Kat!) and is especially strong, brave, independent so this is quite likely the energy you need in your life at the moment - hence the ring has resurfaced. Enjoy!

truckdriver_sefl said...

nothing like a summer road trip:-}

Day by Day said...

glad you found those rings... :)

What part of Alabama are you visiting? I live right on the border of TN and AL... :)

Road Trips are always brilliantly fun!

Rae Ann said...

Yes, it is funny how jewelry like that appears and disappears and appears again. Same thing happens to me with other stuff too. I could swear that we have a gremlin or something that likes to play hide and seek.