Sunday, June 18, 2006

Weekends Suck

The only other adult I have talked to in person today was my mother. For about five minutes. She called to see what time I am bringing the girls over tomorrow. We sold a piece of land that we owned. We lived on it in a mobile home for two years planning to build our dream home. Like most of my dreams, the plan didn't work out. But it's ok really. We moved back into town and I think I like being in the city close to everything better. Plus we are in a little subdivision with other kids for the girls to play with. Things work out in the end.

Today has been a very dreary, weary day. First I slept late, then took a nap when little B did because I wasn't feeling well. Now I have a headache. Fucking hormones. Men should experience what it is like to be a girl just for one week. And yeah, I mean THAT week. PMS. It's hell I tell you. Angry in the morning, bawling in the afternoon, cheerful in the evening, headaches, and all of your pants are suddenly too damn tight. And for some reason, all I can think about is sex. I even dreamed about sex last night. It seems to get worse as I get older too. Is that normal? Ha, who am I kidding, when have I ever been normal?

So lets discuss sex. Why? Because it's my blog, damn it. (Apparently excessive profanity is also a PMS symptom.) Anywho, about sex. For a while after my oldest was born, I didn't even want it. Didn't think about it, didn't care about it. But after my second was born, everything went back to normal. Or maybe hyper-normal. hehe. Why is that? Is it the having the kids part, or the getting older part? I've know of women that stop wanting sex and never want it again. It seems like everything women do changes things. Having babies, getting tubes tied, and certain types of birth control. And of course, you have to actually be with someone you want to have sex with. But lets not go there today.


Kelli said...

I love posts about sex! :)

But I totally agree with you about how other changes can change the way you feel about sex. I mean..I cannot figure out why I am twice as into it now than when I was when I was well. (and I have always been into it..) Who knows!

Xmichra said...

I have always had a strained feeling on sex. i think for me it was the way i was introduced to it. But while I was REALLY preggers with Kira I was always thinking about sex, and of course the 6 weeks after my c-section were consumed by it as well.

I always ge tlike like that during my period. I think it is especially focased on sex during ties where you CAN'T have it. Because we are stuborn women who do not like being told what to do ;)

Sar said...

I had the same experience after my first which changed after my second. And Xmichra's right, seems we always want what we can't have and it's especially personified at times when we're reminded we can't have it.

truckdriver_sefl said...

I am so with anne I love to talk sex:p

I see a Friday fantasy coming sooooon!!!

bubbles said...

Man....I leave you fro a few hours on Saturday and most of the day on Sunday and llok at you??!! You are falling apart and brought up KNOW my thoughts on that ! LMAO!

Miz BoheMia said...

Thankfully I always crave sex but I am crazy that way... right after giving birth to my first I wished I could have sex in order to calm my nerves! Yeah... sorry but I am a little wacked!

I have the Loverboy on a quota and a minimum must be fulfilled each week or else I will outright anounce that I am not satisfied... communication is indeed key! ;-P

PMS... oh my you SO don't want to be around me then... I HATE the bloating... I would rather have a double dose of all that crap and no bloating... we already feel likec rap and need to feel fat to boot? I feel for ya sistah! Hang in there and YAY... now you get to bleed! I HATE MEN!

Rae Ann said...

"Men should experience what it is like to be a girl just for one week. And yeah, I mean THAT week."

Yes! Definitely! I still have my ovaries and they are still tormenting me every month.

Angela said...

Um... all I can offer is a hug. :-)Been there and soon fixing to be again. Well ok today PMS slipped out just a tad.. *LOL*.