Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sex and wrinkles

There is absolutely nothing on TV. So I wandered over to TBS and started watching a rerun of Sex and the City. I have only seen a couple of these before, and although I was mildly curious I thought it was a little silly. I used to watch Law and Order for years, I still watch Law and Order CI, and it's just weird seeing Chris Noth being some super rich suave guy. I'm used to seeing him be a mean-ass cop with bad English.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, so I've only seen a couple of these, but nothing else was on so here I am. One chick, Charlotte, is dating this guy who isn't circumcised. So the next day at lunch the girls are discussing it because she had never seen one before and she says it looks like a shar pei! One of those wrinkled dogs. There were other story lines, but that one stood out so to speak. The show really is ridiculous.


Kelli said...

After I stop thinking about how it does/doesnt look like a penis I have to say that dog is pretty freaking cute.

I never got into sex in the city. I like it a little more hard core I think... ;)

(okay word verification is "imeatpi" I meat pie? Thats just gross)

Day by Day said...

LOL... I loved sex and the city...

I am a huge Law and Order SVU fan... and CSI fan.

I have only seen one uncircumcised full grown penis in my lifetime... and now that I look at that pup... yeah, I see the resemblance... LOL! :)

bubbles said...

not a sex in the city fan. never seen one uncircumcised but I have heard. i like shar pei's and that is just wrong that they used that analogy!

ghartstein said...

My wife always liked that show...not one that I particularly got into. And nice dog pic...reminds me of an uncircumcised penis...

Tamarai said...

I watched sex in the city religiously. It was depressing, though. And you're right - completely ridiculous.

Xmichra said...

I never watched that until it wen toff the air. then I watched them on TBS and caught the whole show. I thought it was funny that this was suppose to be about single 30 somethings... clearly making too much money if the shoes cost 350 bucks a pop. But still, some relaly funny stuff came outa that show (like that line).

For the record, THAT is not a dog. I am not sure what it is.. but i assure you, it isn't a dog. hehe.

Michael Lehet said...

The Boyfriend loves it as much as I love Seinfeld...go figure!

truckdriver_sefl said...

I dont watch TV LOL!

-tnchick- said...

I've never watched Sex and the City. I have saw a penis that was uncut and don't think it looks like the shar pei LOL!! I suppose one could, tho.. ROFL!

Rae Ann said...

I tried watching that show too, but I just couldn't relate to four single city chicks, you know? None of their issues mattered to me. Oh well. Desperate Housewives doesn't do it for me either. Never seen an uncut penis in person. I've always been curious. lol