Monday, September 18, 2006


I was going through my regular blogs and it occurred to me that I do a bit of lurking. You know, reading blogs and not commenting. Now I don't think there are any blogs I go to that I have never commented on, but there are quite a few that I only comment on occasionally. So I started wondering, do I have lurkers? Are there those of you out there that come and read, possibly even enjoy, but never comment? Are you shy, or just don't want to bother with a blogger sign on? Let's have a delurking moment, everyone comment! Or, if you don't have or want a blogger sign on, then go to my profile page and email me.


krystyna said...

Wonderful blog. I'm very impressed. The best to you!

Kelli said...

I love lurkers...and I love it when lurkers de-lurk. Some of my favorite commenters are out of the closet lurkers!

Angela said...

How's school going?. Mine sucks *LOL*. To much to do and a short time to do it in.

Tamarai said...

sometimes I lurk, sometimes I comment....

truckdriver_sefl said...

Hey we all do it right??

Lola Starr said...

I used to lurk but now I comment. :)

bubbles said...

BOO! I was here last night but I ws also talking to you and forgot to leave something here....but then you already knew that didn't you?

GERBEN said...

I stop by everyday. I don't always comment, but I read. Every single day.

Sar said...

*waives* Hi Kat! :)

Sar said...

*waves* she *waves* !!!

damn fumble fingers.

Xmichra said...

hehe... Sar, that was uber cute :)

Well, i comment on everyone BUT gaybanker. He always has posts on his latest shag.. and i never know what the heck to comment. SO i just read and comment there every six months or so. hehe.

Rae Ann said...

I usually do comment, but not always. I do lurk at some blogs sometimes, but I'm such a loudmouth I often say something. I always wonder how many lurkers read mine too.

always kris said...

guilty as charged, I am a lurker. *hangs head in shame*
I came here by way of Anne's blog. I comment on her blog and I just started one myself.

Freak said...

I have commented on your blog often, but like you say - you don't reply to many comments. I find it very interesting to read!

Mummy said...

i lurk occasionally, again via anne's. The poetry rocks!

Random Musings said...

gulity..lurk lurk lurk