My first premiere tonight! NCIS. Gibbs, the old boss is gone (or is he?), DiNozzo the goofball/womanizer is in charge at the moment, (and a hottie). Ziva is in trouble, again. Abby, the gothic tech from downstairs is hyped up on caffeine as always. Probie isn't the probie anymore, a new girl is.
It's a good show.
WOW!! Never watched it, but love Mark Harmon:-). He was great in "Summer School".
I love that show..and you are totally right..that guy is a major hottie..
I love this song..
No idea what this show is but you make it sound interesting.
i love NCIS!
I adore the Gothic Chick. Yummmmeeee!
Do you know that Pauly Perrette, who plays Abby is in fact qualified as a criminologist?
I love that show too. DiNozzo is a Hottie, but then again I think Gibbs is too!
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