Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Grouchy Ramblings

Saturday night we saw the Da Vinci Code. It was good. We had popcorn and M&Ms. We shared a soda. Then I got drunk at a bar. We came home. I got queasy. Hubs got nothing. I slept til noon the next day. That's all I got to say about that.

In other weekend news...

My favorite show ever has ended. Charmed on the WB had their series finale on Sunday night. They knew it was ending, so they were able to wrap everything up and even give us a glimpse of the girls futures. I'm so glad it ended well, I hate it when shows just leave you hanging, not knowing what happens to everyone.

Monday night we saw Tristan and Isolde on DVD. I recommend everyone see this movie. It is a very old legend. I first read a book about it in high school, and loved the story. This version of it was so good I may buy the DVD and add it to my collection of movies-I-can-watch-over-and-over.

Today was my oldest daughters award ceremony at school. She received second honors (all As and Bs). Her classroom also voted for awards and they voted her "sweetest". She only has a day and a half left of school. I can't believe next year she will be a fourth grader!

This is the second time I typed this in. Blogger ate my first draft. I hope I didn't forget anything. Oh yeah! I learned something new today. A warm laptop makes a nice substitute heating pad when you have cramps.


Tamarai said...

I love Charmed too, but I reckon we're a series or two behind you.

Rae Ann said...

You don't sound too grumpy. Thanks for the word on the movies! Don't you just hate when blogger eats a good post?! I'm feeling mixed emotions about school being over. lol

bubbles said...

"Momma always had a way of explaining things to me so they made sense." LOL!

Miz BoheMia said...

I have been catching up! Love all the pictures you posted and that little foal sure is beautiful! As for you, hot mama! :-)

I agree, you don't sound so grumpy! You put me to shame calling yourself grumpy! I seem to do nothing but rant!

Is your hubby finally back to stay?

truckdriver_sefl said...

Kat LMAO you always make me smile!!!!!!!

Xmichra said...

hehe... you actually do sound grumpy to me. You know, because everything is all in state-matter-of-fact paragraphs. hehe. Cramps are evil. hope that laptop keeps you nice and cozy!!!

Day by Day said...

"A warm laptop makes a nice substitute heating pad when you have cramps." I'll have to keep that in mind... Thanks! :)