Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Figuring Stuff Out

Ok, so being sick has given me plenty of time to reflect on stuff. Some of it meaningless (see last post), some of it rather intuitive. I have figured out that I mostly take people as they are. I'm not saying I'm perfect at it, but when I go into a friendship/relationship whatever I take the good, the bad, and even occasionally the ugly all together as part of that person. That isn't always as good a thing as you would think. I am finding out that it can be used against you. I feel too much too fast. I've been told I can be a rather intense person.

Did you know, I'm naive? Seriously. Not only am I naive, but I'm aware of being naive and can't do a damn thing about it. Now being naive isn't necessarily a bad thing, unless it is used against you. Deliberately. What kind of person does that?


Anonymous said...

Only a truly evil person would use that against you deliberately. I know, I've got the naive thing going on too. I trust way more than I should. But I can't imagine being any other way so....

Rae Ann said...

kat, I feel the same way many times. It's so hard to stay open and accepting of people when that happens. A lot of people can't deal with my "intensity" either because I'm very open and kind of expect that in return. I agree with k.l. above about the kind of person who abuses the trust of others. It's not a nice thing to do. Do you want me to put a hex on them? ;-)

Mummy said...

Its amazing just how many people will deliberately use naivity against you. Im a bit the same, i sorta think everyone will be good like me, and i am continually reminded that there are peop who arent at all good, or even sometimes good. What kind of person does that? Asses!!

Hope you are feeling better now.

ghartstein said...

I can so relate...really! You want to accept people for who and what they are and hope in return they do the same for you - and if they're self-absorbed narcissists, they are incapable. But you know my story, your mileage may vary, so to speak...