Sunday, October 08, 2006


I got tired of the aggravated post being on the top so I am here to put something a bit lighter up.

My girls spent the weekend with their dad at his parents house. That was supposed to give me time to work on all this schoolwork I'm backed up on, but I've been too sick to do anything but sleep. And work. I had to go into work sick. My luck being sick my first week of work. He is working in North Carolina right now. He is supposed to be moving to a job in Maryland this month, but the paperwork is moving slowly. Either way, it will probably be a while before he's back down to take the girls.

The cold is improving, although very slowly, as colds do. I am either at school or work every day this week except today, and then I'm off again next Sunday. I only have to work one Sunday a month. Most of my shifts are short 5 hour shifts which is nice since it's a job where I'm on my feet. And I work in the evening this Thursday so little B won't miss storytime at the library Thursday morning. :)


Lola Starr said...

Sounds like things are going a bit better. I'm glad. :)

Sar said...

Dang, Kat. Sounds like you need to go to Bath & Body works and get yourself the Spearmint Eucalyptus bubble bath and indulge. Sure to cure all that ails you. :)

Feel better!

Rae Ann said...

Sorry that you're still sick. I had to go to the dr. last week for a killer sinus infection that's finally clearing up. Feel better soon!