Monday, January 23, 2006

Birthday pictures (part 2)

This present was a hit! It was a new quilt for her bed. It has Pooh Bear and friends on it. We had to get her a new bed (not a toddler bed, a crib that converts to a toddler bed later) because SOMEONE broke one of the latches on her crib that had been T's crib.

Here she is blowing out the candles. Let me tell you about the cake. A couple of weeks before her birthday we started talking about it with her. When we asked her what she wanted on her cake she said "Jojo", as in Disney Channel's "Jojo's Circus". Ok then, that's a pretty popular show, there are toys and videos at the store, it's Disney. No problem. WRONG. Nobody had a Jojo cake. I ended up finding a Jojo book and taking it to a bakery where they put one of the pictures from the book on the cake. Next year, Betty Crocker with sprinkles! On the plus side, we have the book as a keepsake.

When you ask a two-year-old "What are you eating?" does she say "Cake"? No! She SHOWS you what she's eating!


bubbles said...

cutie patootie! WHO broke the bed!!! What a mean thing to do to a sweet baby girl......

Kat said...

I know! I plan to do a WHOLE POST on the bed. lol

Xmichra said...

haha.. sorry about the bed (can't wait to hear what happened there!) She looks like she was having fun though! And what a great idea about the jojo cake.. may have to 'borrow' that...

Michael Lehet said...

Happy Birthday.

I think showing what you're eating is still fun, hopefully she won't grow out of it!

Kelli said...

Wow...she is a cutie! Even with the open mouth!

Thanks so much for your comments on my blog! I look forward to reading yours as well!

Anonymous said...

LOL...that is so cute AND funny.
remember when the ONLY cake a child would eat was Big Bird from Sesame Street?

Chris said...

What. A. CUTIE! Oh my god, those cake pictures are just too adorable.