Sunday, January 08, 2006

Tagged again!

I've been tagged by Xmichra who was tagged by Michael.

This looks like a fun one. Be sure to go visit the other people who have done this too!

Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot.

1. Nickle Annie
2. Smiling through the cracks
3. Michael
4. Xmichra
5. Kat

Then you select five people to pass this on to.

I choose:

1. Amber
2. Rae Ann
3. Sierrabella
4. Kaliblue
5. Hizzle Thizzle

Whew! That's a lot of links!

What were you doing ten years ago?

Ten years ago I was between marriages and making up for lost time. I was pretty young when I married the first time. I had a fun six months, and I can say I never went too wild. By January 1996 it was getting a little boring. I was working two jobs (accounts receivable clerk by day, cashier at Goody's by night) and going out all the other nights, I lost too much weight. I met my current husband in Febuary 1996 just after Valentine's day.

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Chocolate!
2. Salsa and tortillas
3. Cinnibon mini bons
4. Milkshakes
5. Coke floats

Five songs you know all the lyrics to: (only 5?)
1. Half the soundtrack to Moulin Rouge.
2. Most of Madanna's songs.
3. Way too many Disney Princess songs.
4. Enough Reba songs to go hoarse.
5. I would do anything for love by Meatloaf

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Pay off all debts
3. Set up college funds for my babies.
4. Donate to every Animal and Environmental organization I could find. (I'm a closet hippie)
5. Buy me Hire me a young hot gardener. ;)

Five bad habits:
1. Nail biting.
2. Talking to myself while working. (But I almost never answer, do I? Nope I don't.)
3. Staying on the computer too much.
4. Junk food!
5. Staying up too late.

Five things you like doing:
1. Doing stuff with my girls.
3. Reading
4. Going to the movies.
5. Staying up too late.

Five favorite toys:
1. Computer! duh
2. Digital camera
3. My Ipod
4. My new webcam.
5. I don't have enough toys!

This was fun! Hope everyone I tagged enjoys it!


SierraBella said...

I love the idea of a hot young gardener!

I'm pretty sure I did this meme a few months ago. I'll have to check, and if not- I'll post one!

Xmichra said...

I agree with raynwomaan. I would have done AWESOME in school if songs were more informative!

great list kat, glad you had fun with it!

Chris said...

They Might Be Giants.

"The sun is a ball of superheated gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace."

I forget the name of the song, but I think they did an entire album of just the type of songs you're looking for.

And that was a great list, Kat. I learn something new about you almost every day. ;)

Anonymous said...

I learned some new things about you.:)

Rae Ann said...

I'll work on it!

Sar said...

How much we have in common my friend! :)

Great meme, Kat.