Tuesday, January 17, 2006


According to Redbook magazine, this is my horoscope for this month:


An extra dose of creative energy could result in a work-from-home gig. Focusing now will lead to long-term payoff. Your imaginative thinking will also help resolve a delicate family matter and bring you closer.

Damn, I hope they are right!


Xmichra said...

That would be cool. I often wish I couls work at home.

Anonymous said...

I see an EXTRA dose of creative energy in your future.:)

Sar said...

Too bad they couldn't have added all the riches will be yours in spirit and funds! :)

Chris said...

Damn. That's pretty specific. I hope they're right too.

Rob7534 said...

I never paid much attention to the horoscope predictions in the past. But if it works for you, so much the better!

I could never work from home, I get distracted too much, I'd have the TV on all day long watching all the morning court rooms and talk shows! =)

I'm incredibly lazy and motived from one crisis to the next. Always in crisis mode.

And I hope your still no as depressed as your previous entry, it always seems like the wicked get ahead, but in reality they don't. They are cursed having to live a life always looking over their shoulder to make sure their come-uppence isn't just around the corner.

Hope you feel better!

bubbles said...

here's hoping! Creativity in the home.....painiting? remodleing? both?? lol!