Friday, April 28, 2006

Fiction Friday


Kieran had been missing for two weeks. The police wouldn't do anything. Julie went to the station everyday at first, the last time she went an officer told her they checked his apartment. Everything had been moved out. He told her that her boyfriend apparently decided to move on and not tell her. She didn't believe it. She knew Kieran to well. They always talked their problems out. If something was bothering him, he would have told her, not run away.

She bumped into him almost a year ago at a local coffee shop, literally. On her way out the door she was distracted by her friend and ran right into him. They hit it off immediately and soon were rarely seen apart. There was so much they had in common, and he understood her, even if he didn't always agree. She was sure she had finally met her soulmate.

And now he was gone.

The last time she saw him was when he dropped her off at the airport for a trip to see her family. The day before she came home, he didn't' answer the phone. She knew something had happened to him. The week before she left for her trip, he thought he was being followed. There was a strange man he was sure he saw more than once. It seemed too odd to be a coincidence.

Since the police were no help, she put posters up with his picture on it around town. On it she simply put "Have you seen this Man?", with her phone number. Just when she was about to give up hope, she received a call. According to the girl who called, she had seen Kieran across town several times in a new gothic night club. He was always with the same group of people. A strange clique that kept to itself. The girl wouldn't give her name, and quickly hung up. It was obvious she was afraid of something.

So Julie took the time to research the club. She wanted to know everything about it before she went down there. She would confront Kieran. If he didn't want to be with her, that was fine, but she deserved to be told. If he were in trouble, hanging with the wrong group, she wanted to help. And then there was always the chance that this frightened girl who called was simply wrong. Tonight, she would find out.

To be continued


Kelli said...

Cant wait for you to finish! Im interested... :)

ghartstein said...

Great start! Looking forward to more!

bubbles said...


Chris said...

Awesome! A great beginning. Now let's see some more! :)

Miz BoheMia said...

Ditto all above... you are fab dear Kat!

As for the post below, I voted for you already! And as far as HNT goes, if anyone is on your case that's their problem! My comfort zone is also down to my bikini and so far your pics are fab!

Looking forward to seeing your DYI pics!

truckdriver_sefl said...

Great start Kat!