Friday, April 21, 2006

Third post of the day!

My new drug. Tangerine Jelly Bellies.

Can you say super sugar rush? I knew you could!

Now go down and read my other two posts!


Xmichra said...

i can't eat jelly beans. I mean seriously..i have some nature of mental dissorer that makes me gag when trying to chew down on that jelly mass of goo. I have been like that my whole life.. i know i am missing out, since so many people love jelly beans.. but i just can't do it.

bubbles said...

I am almost with xmichra. I really don't like them. I am not sure who started the whole jelly beans are the best thing but i can't...I can't even eat gum drops...blah.and by the way you are a nut!