Saturday, April 01, 2006

Flashback post

Below is my second post ever from April 4, 2005.

Chat Rooms

One lonely night, not too long ago, I decided to try a chat room in search of intelligent conversation. I chose one from my age group in the peers category. Once there, I was totally confused (even more than usual). Apparently chatters have their own little shorthand and lingo. Being a chat room virgin, I was lost. Even the user names were odd mixtures of characters and letters. So much for for interesting conversation on the internet. Being fair, I only tried a handful of chat rooms before giving up. I suppose if I looked long enough I would have found one for me.
My endless searching of the internet is what brought me to blogger. Here is a place I can express my Thoughts and Reflections into the void of the internet. No worries whether anyone reads them. I have expressed, and that is the main goal. That's all for now.
Later Void.

Of course we know now what a comment whore I have become!


Hale McKay said...

I too, was mystified the first time I entered a chat room. The same was true of the game rooms. What strange alien language or code were they using, I wondered.
...Remembering my confusion, whenever someone comes to a game room and asks what's "LOL?" I show compassion and say "Leaping Over Larry," of course!

Xmichra said...

I was once addicted to chat rooms. I had my own little cirlce of 'ppl' that i would'cnv' with. the short hand bothered me once it became like text messaging. It was way to short.. that if you had no idea what they were abriviating you were LOST. which is what the rooms are like now. I use some.. like WTF or BTW.. just for ease. But those are pretty well known.

Chris said...

I can't handle chat. When communicating via type, I like to take my time and make sure everything is spelled correctly and I'm saying things exactly the way I want to say them, and chat does not give enough time for that. At least, not chat room chat. I can do IM pretty well. And yeah, the shorthand totally mystifies me too. Damn kids.

And I think Blogger makes comment whores of us all.

Oh, and Happy Blogiversary! :)

ghartstein said...

And look how far you've come in a year!!!! Way to stick with it!