Tuesday, April 04, 2006

One more flashback

The following post is from April 24, 2005.

Once upon a time...

Well, this will have to be a good post because everyone knows all good stories start with once upon a time. Except one I read recently. It was very short. This is a lot of pressure to be under. Ok, here goes...

Once upon a time a housewife was bored.
So she started a blog.
Then she kissed her boring husband,
Who turned into a frog.

So where is my happy ending?
The wife began to cry.
And that is when her husband,
Ate a big fly.

Ok, so maybe it isn't the greatest story ever told, but it is a bit funny.


Sar said...

I've been reading and enjoying your flashbacks. This one made me laugh.

Btw, good choice with Lenny I'm Hella Sexy Kravitz.

truckdriver_sefl said...

I love your flastbacks this week keep em coming! :-}

Kelli said...

I thought it was very cute and funny! I like the flashbacks too..I wasnt around for the first time so they are all new to me!