Friday, April 07, 2006

Yet another list

I Took It !!!!

I took it from Kaliblue, who took it from Leesa who took it from Memphis Steve and he took it from ???? .... So take it too if ya want :-)....

1.Last kiss? I kissed my kids good night just last night!

2. How do you flush the toilet in public? Usually just with my hand which I wash when I'm done anyway, but if it is a really offensive toilet, I use my foot.

3. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Always

4. Do you have a crush on someone? Maybe. ;)

5. Name one thing that you start to get tense about if you are close to running out of it: milk. my two year old would freak!

6. What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble? Nobody.

7. Favorite pizza topping: cheese and there must be plenty of sauce

8. Finish this sentence: if my life was a sitcom my theme song would be... Bitch by Meredith Brooks "I'm a bitch, I'm a tease, I'm a goddess on my knees, When you hurt, when you suffer, I'm an angel undercover....."

9. Do you pop your knuckles? no

10. What song do you dislike the most when it gets stuck in your head? The Doodlebop theme song. I really hate those Doodlepoops.

11. Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head? Nope, I'm playing other music to avoid it!

12. What are your super powers? I have the uncanny ability to find the best deals in department stores. My best yet is a $9.99 Tinkerbell t-shirt on clearance for 69 cents. I bought the last two.

13. Peppermint or spearmint? Gum ~ spearmint, Growing in my flowerbeds ~ peppermint

14. Where are your keys? On the shelf by the front door.

15. Who's answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear? All my most favorite blogger buddies of course! You know who you are!

16. What's your most annoying habit? nail biting

17. Where did you last go on vacation? May 2004 to Disney World

18. If you could punch one person in the nose and get away with it, who would it be? My husband.

19. What is your best physical feature? Depends on who you ask. ;)

20. What CD is closest to you right now? Pussycat dolls

21. What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? Pepsi, milk, juice

22. What superstition do you believe/practice? What you do comes back to you. If you do evil to someone, it will come back to get you. But when you do good deeds, eventually the good returns.

Someone deleted 23 and 24, so Memphis Steve gets to make up new ones!

23. When you're in a public place and your underwear gets up your crack do you sit there and take it, or do you dig it out and let the world deal with it? I suffer.

24. If you could murder 5 people and get away with it, who would they be and why? Ummm...see number 22

25. Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive? Sometimes.

26. What are your favorite sayings? hmmm... I can't think of anything.

27. What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower? Depends on what I was listening to that day.

28. If you could go back or forward in time would you and where would you go? Nowhere, I'd just screw it up worse.

29. What is your favorite Harrison Ford movie? Duh, Star Wars, all three. Indiana Jones would be a close second, except the second one, too many bugs! And did you know there is a forth coming in 2007!!! What lies beneath was good, he was really good at being bad! And I love Michelle Pfeiffer too. But then Air Force One, Sabrina, and Regarding Henry were great as well.

30. What CD is in your stereo? Madonna's greatest hits volume 2

31. What OCD qualities do you have? I correct people's grammer on occasion, and I find errors in writings including books that have been published already and who the hell was their editor??

32. how many kids do you plan on having? 2

33. If you could kiss anyone famous who would it be? Hugh Jackman!

34. Would you really want to kiss someone you didn't know? Maybe.

35. What do you do when no one is watching? Sing outloud, and sometimes dance around.

36. If they made a movie about your life, what actor/actress would play you? Meg Ryan of course.

37. Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep? in my sleep

38. What candy, from when you were a kid, do you miss the most? Pixie stix

39. what is your favorite movie? ack! just one?? The original Star Wars trilogy, does that count as one? But Episode III was most awesome. Or maybe Moulin Rouge, You've Got Mail, or French Kiss because I could watch them over and over. And I just saw Memoirs of a Geisha and it was Awesome, so I went out and got the book. :)

40. Favorite musician(s)/bands you've seen in concert? The only three concerts I've been to were Randy Travis/Alan Jackson, Reba/Brooks and Dunn, and Alan Jackson/forgot who the hell opened for him. So I guess it would be Reba. My sister got to see Madonna in Atlanta and I couldn't go!

41. Have you ever been in love? Unfortunately

42. Do you talk to yourself? Occasionally, but I almost never answer, do I? Nope, I sure don't.

43. Is there anybody you just wish would fall of the face off the earth? ummmm....hehe

I might have a fiction friday up later. I have an idea, now if I could just get it to work out!


Tamarai said...

Indeed most interesting. I liked the digging the underwear out of your crack question. Have you noticed, no one asks that question at dinner parties? Another one that doesn't make it onto the dinner party circuit is, "So what vibrator does it for you?"

Rae Ann said...

This is great! Your answers are so funny and smart! I think I'll do this too.

Miz BoheMia said...

Great thing for a rainy day!

Loved your answers! I could relate to so many things!

Xmichra said...

loved the answers Kat.. I have posted mine (as you know.. hehe).

I love these things!

bubbles said...

well i may work on this tonight
i will be sure to let you know....i wish i could have answered some of these for you ;)

Sar said...

Oh man, I'd forgotten about those cursed Doodle Bops until now. Great, thanks for the worst earworm EVER! ;)

Thanks again for the birthday wishes and fun Kat - you sure know how to party hardy!

Chris said...

Hmmm. Good questions. Even better answers. I'm doing this one too. :)

Angela said...

Very cool. :-) I should go shopping with you sometime. What great deals you find...