Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Blooming time in Tennessee!

My irises and my rose bushes have buds all over them! I will be posting pictures galore when they are in full bloom. You have been warned. My mint has come back and spread! It actually skipped the river rock border and escaped into the yard a little. Instead of being mad, I was actually a little proud of it. My sage came back twice as big as last year! I'm so excited. Can you tell?

I have some rosemary and lavender started in a starter kit. If I can get seedlings growing I will plant them outside. I haven't had much luck with lavender yet. I had rosemary once before we moved, but I bought a small plant, I didn't try to start it from seeds. I need to put some zinnia seeds out too. I think I have some somewhere, I forgot about them. Oh! and I have to get new trellises so I can put morning glory seeds out, in red and dark purple. Very easy to grow, as long as you don't mind cutting it back every few weeks in the summer. Same as the mint. I don't mind, I get more irritated when stuff won't grow at all than when it runs amok.

I'm sure I have posted a picture of the small pond we put in last year. Well, this year I put a lily in it! I'm waiting for it to grow to the surface. They are supposed to be relatively easy to grow. Once it makes it to the top I am going to get a fish. Koi probably. We had a goldfish last year, Goldie. We had him over a year, and he was one of the reasons we put a pond in, to move him here, but he died. I'm having trouble with the pond being green though. I have stuff to put in it that is safe for plants and fish, but it's still green! Ack. I'll figure it out.

So what's in your garden??


bubbles said...

What about the Gianormous fish we gave you....it didn't take the pond life well...but it survived the trough! LOL!

BTW--- the word identification is getting out of hand! #1 they aren't words and #2 there are more and more letters to type! only 7 this time...yesterday I had 9 or 10!

Rae Ann said...

I can't wait to see your pictures! I planted a small rosemary plant two years ago and now it's huge, probably four feet high and all around. I haven't had much luck with lavender either.

Xmichra said...

we have a fish tank that is larger than most ponds.. i will ask hubby how to keep the algae out for you :)

AND.. i agree with Bubbles! 11 letters today!

Miz BoheMia said...

This year all our fruit trees are in full bloom and my flowers are just looking beautiful... I think it is something energetic and may it signal better times to come for all!

I ain't a bohemian for nuthin'! ;-P

truckdriver_sefl said...

I can't wait to see the pictures!

Michael Lehet said...

The one thing I miss about living in the country is being able to grow plants from seeds.

C. H. Green said...

I have at least one iris blooming. My pink bushes are blooming all over. (There's a name for them, but I'm no greenthumb.) And my two peony's are about to bloom just any day. Enjoy your blog. I just added myself to the Tn. blog ring. Come by and visit sometime.