Saturday, April 29, 2006

Saturday Night

Yeah, it's Saturday night, and nobody is posting. Nobody is online. Just me. Talking to myself.

"How's it going self?"

"Not too good, nobody's online."

You see? I'm even answering myself.

I actually got some work done tonight. I have three walls of my office prepared for painting tomorrow night. Holes are patched, and I lightly sanded the walls to help the paint stick right. I also wiped down the walls. (Where the hell did all those cobwebs in the corners come from Mr. Orkin man?) So, it's all ready for paint. If everything goes well, I will do that tomorrow. Maybe early, maybe late. It all depends on the kids. That means the computer will be temporarily unplugged. I will be offline. Unconnected.

I will however, plug it up long enough to check emails. Nobody blogs on the weekends, (except me apparently), so I don't think I will be missing anything if I skip all my regular blogs tomorrow. I will be back on Monday. Really, I will.


Hale McKay said...

So it's Kat Unplugged, eh? Sounds like a concert. Good luck with the painting.

ghartstein said...

Nobody here but us ivisible commenters...enjoy the painting...might as well enjoy it. Wheever I paint I get almost as much on me as on the walls. THat's why we now hire people...I'd run out of clothes.

Anonymous said...

you are becoming quite the "handywoman", are you available for home improvement projects kat?

ummmm orkin man huh? ever wonder if they have a little box with bugs in them they BRING into the house with them..kind of a job security thing...just askin


SierraBella said...

Great- the day I finally get back to blogging... and you're busy!

Good luck with that painting.