Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Big Rambling Post

Exhibitionism: the psychological need and pattern of behavior to exhibit naked parts of the body to other people — that is, parts of the body that would otherwise be covered by clothes according to the standards of the local cultural norms.

Some people might say the whole Half-nekkid thing I like to do on Thursdays makes me an exhibitionist. But I would like to point out the line "parts of the body that would otherwise be covered by clothes according to the standards of the local cultural norms." Back when I started the whole HNT thing, I made the decision that if I don't mind showing it in public, including pool side, then it would be ok to show. You will NEVER see me show anything on here that a bikini covers. It is outside of my comfort zone. Everyone has a comfort zone. I have never even had private pictures taken of me by anyone or for anyone. And I never will. I'm not saying it's wrong, it just isn't something I do.

Ok, so what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Not a damn thing, just something that was on my mind. I'm pretty sure that anyone who really knows me already knows that.

Next topic of discussion, my bathroom. I started fixing it up a month or two ago. After two colds and spring fever, I have finally finished it. I actually had all of it done except for putting a new coat of paint on the doors and on the old cabinets under the sink. I finally found time to do it this week. I also found new handles for the cabinets and drawers. As soon as I tidy it up a bit, I will get some pictures and post them. My next project is my office/library. I already have the room cleared and tonight I am going to patch up some really big holes from where someone had lord knows what attached to the wall. Painting in here shall begin this weekend. That means I will probably be offline for a day or two. Or maybe not. I may get this room done in record time considering how addicted I am to the internet!

Speaking of addictions, I have added some new stuff to the sidebar. I also updated my links. Check it out when you have the time.

There will be a Fiction Friday this week too. But, I might not get it posted until tomorrow evening.

Oh yeah, and I'm a finalist over at
Sar's Caption Contest. She has a poll on her sidebar where you can vote


bubbles said...

ok well you know my thoughts ont he first part of this post. As for the is about time! hmmm what else...ah yes the side bar stuff i will look. MAy I make a suggestion? Why don't you put the video up closer to the top so that I can watch while reading. As it is now I have to scroll scroll scroll and then restart and then watch and the scroll scroll scroll back to the top and read. very frustrating really. LOL Can't wait for the fiction

Xmichra said...

What you choose to do is up too you. maybe your personal comfort zone will change (unlikely, but maybe).. who knows. Just do this for you. that is what will make you not regret a lick of it.

Rae Ann said...

Your HNT posts are always tasteful and creative. I wish I'd get my groove on and do the painting that needs to be done around my house. lol

truckdriver_sefl said...

I just love your HNT post's they are ALWAYS great!!

Now we want bathroom pics!!!

Day by Day said...

I think the HNT is cool... :)

ARGHHHH... speaking of bathrooms, I have two that are in need of remodeling... :)!

Happy Friday to you!