Last month I had to go downtown to file some paperwork at the courthouse. I took the camera in hopes of catching something interesting.

My first job. I was nineteen. There's no drivethrough, but man did we get loads of homeless. I still remember this one guy, he was so polite and never smelled of alcohol, I always wondered what put him in his situation.

The Tennessee Theater.

A glimps of the river from Main Street.

I've always thought this building was interesting.
Those are great pictures! Every time I go downtown I covet those old buildings. I'd love to have a loft or something down there. I've got to go this morning to pick up my rejected picture.
Great pix. Living in LA we forget that most of the country has cool old buldings like that downtown!
Very beautiful city! Makes me want to visit!
Where are you?!?! ;-P
awesome pictures Kat. I love old buildings and cool light fixtures and stuff. my husband always gets 'mock mad' at me when we are holidays because of the abnormal amount of pictures I take of inanimate objects. heh.
Great pictures kat, thanks for sharing.
You need to be careful these days when taking pictures of public buildings...just be prepared to be questioned.
Sorry I missed your Happy Blogiversary!
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