This is the rabbit that the husband brought home in October. Someone had abandoned her in another guys backyard. We had her in a little 8 x 8 pen the husband put together, but it really wasn't the best shelter for her, so I ordered her a little rabbit hutch. She seems to like it. I am keeping the little pen we have so the girls pet her in it without worrying about her running away, and so she can get some exercise in it.

How darlin'... :)
I see that evil little nose a twitchin'... shoulda made hossinfeffer.. hehe.
I hope you let her out for Easter....How else are we gonna get our Cadbury eggs??!!
Awwwwwwwww she is a cutie:-}
That's a BIG rabbit!
We went to dinner last night and one of her relatives was on the menu served with risotto, it sounded wonderful : -)
thats one big bunny!
awww, bunny's so cute..thanks for helping the bunny out.:)
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